Monday, June 6, 2011

Dress for Success

Before you attend a job interview, make sure you read these dressing tips!. Many people make sure that the appearance is an important aspect of the job search process. The better you dress, then you will increasingly confident. 

It is true that "you are what you wear!", Especially when you are invited for job interviews. 
Believe it or not, you will be assessed starting from toe to tip of hair when you do a job interview. Not only the experience and personality as measured ... but also your appearance. Dress code for men and women are different, so this article will be divided into two parts according to gender. 

There is no impression like a first impression. Important decisions about you made in the first three-minute job interview. 

The purpose of the clothes you wear are projecting your professionalism. 


  • Your clothes should add value to your appearance. More importantly, clothing should not interfere with the charm of your business. 
  • With business uniforms, you can communicate to the interviewer that you are mature, professional and can be a member of a team. 
  • Although the internal company dress code is relaxed, your clothes during the interview should follow the conservative standard. 
  • Dress up - dress your best when working in the company really is. 

Below are tips on how to dress for the best results: 

  • Look for information about the company. 
  • Find out about the dress-code and wear the company. 
  • Choose the clothes you wear and you never feel comfortable using it. 
  • Try these clothes a few days earlier, because it will be plenty of time to wash and fix it, if there is damage. 
  • Everything must be clean, neat and ironed. 
  • Hair and nails should be clean. 
  • Perfume should not pierce or not wearing perfume altogether. 
  • Americans favorite color is blue, because it reflects the confidence, calm and confident. Blue is the color that is great for job interviews. 
  • Shoes should be comfortable to wear and neatly polished. 
  • Be careful with perfume, many people are highly allergic to perfume, particularly excessive. 
  • Regarding jewelry, you should use a counterfeit, so do not be too flashy. 
  • Clean and polish your briefcase or purse, arrange the contents therein. 
  • Bring a pen and paper and make sure that the pen worked well and put in place your easy reach. 

For Men - Consider the following tips 

  • Shirts in blue, gray or cream (avoid dark colors because the color of mourning). 
  • Wear comfortable material and are not conspicuous 
  • Dress shoes with dark socks 
  • Match your tie to wear uniform 

For Women - Consider the following tips 

  • Simple clothes 
  • Formal dress that is simple (official channels) and not dress for the party 
  • The combination of formal dresses and jackets, you can also wear 
  • Simple Blouse 
  • Natural materials - wool, cotton, or silk 
  • Conservative colors - blue, gray, beige or black 
  • Avoid flashy colors, as well as make-up you do not overdo it 
  • Dress shoes are not too high with a neutral color stockings