Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kebaya Modern

Kebaya is one of the heritage values ​​of the ancestral whole which is one of the original culture of Indonesia. Kebaya is one alternative to the official clothing can increase a woman's allure keangunan. Today the design of clothing types kebaya has undergone significant developments. This is further encouraged because the kebaya is often used for formal wear that is often used for formal occasions that are festive. One example is the kebaya is often used in a variety of wedding for the bride. This is certainly one of the driving factors why kebaya until this moment still has a loyal and many enthusiasts, and also because continue to follow the development of cultural and social communities would not be surprised if we end these days are often busy with a new term that is mengenail kebaya modern kebaya . 

Modern kebaya kebaya is a form of design with a blend of native cultures from culture kebaya itself with its outer scope. With the modern kebaya so familiar that we do not have many modern kebaya for example with kimono design that is original from the Japanese culture, then modern kebaya with a design model using a mix of Chinese culture so that the collar is shaped collar kebaya China. Whatever the reason for the womenfolk of interest in choosing to use the kebaya is something we should be proud, because at least there are still many native cultures to host in their own country, one example is the often widespread use of kebaya in official events. Generally we would still many who use the kebaya womenfolk were scattered in several major cities in Indonesia, such as in Medan, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung and many other cities. 

Here are some tips that may be a reference to us in choosing the right modern kebaya and proportional to the size of our bodies. 

It is advisable to select the kebaya should not be shorter than the hips, in the sense of kebaya worn should exceed a few centi meters from our hips. Or if still in doubt with this, then we can guess choosing long kebaya with the knee close to the size of our feet. It is intended that the kebaya is used not greatness nor smallness when viewed from a vertical size. 
Then usually the problem comes is if you want to wear kebaya body turns out we have a big hips, this will certainly be very menyulitan. Therefore you should choose a modern kebaya with a design equipped with pading. Pading is seuatu additional accessories in the form of wedge shoulder and is often used for the purpose of generating the impression of balance to the bottom so it is more pleasing to the eye the eye or good looking and fashionable. If you choose to use pading so very, very advisable to choose kebaya with a model that is not transparent. The selection is not transparent kebaya aims to protect pading so as not to look at when worn on special occasions. But if not possible using the kebaya is not transparent or in other words we should use the kebaya with a model of transparency, it should give particular fabric layer for pading not look! 
Sometimes a woman with a posture that has a great body then this will also be a constraint and new problems in selecting a suitable design of modern kebaya to be worn. To overcome this problem we should choose the design model kebaya with kutubaru. Selection of modern kebaya kutubaru will be able to help cover a large body because it will be a member the impression more slender and proportionately. Because this type of model has a more open design which will make the body will look and seem more slender, but it will reduce wrinkles impression of fat in the neck or in other words kebaya This will make the usage has a long neck that is more memorable than the actual. 
If we are the Sumatran, such that most often is the field for example it will be more happy to wear the traditional kebaya with citran types of Sumatran culture, ie the modern kebaya kurung Sumatra. If this is desired then it is better to choose a design kebaya side shorter than the front, again this is for member the impression that the more slender body when in use, because it is common knowledge appeared slimmer in public is a dream of the average women.

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